Hamilton collab, SGCI, and more!

We’re thrilled to announce that Really Big Prints will be returning in 2023 with a new partner and location: the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum. If you’re not already familiar with HWT’s work, you are in for a treat. We’re excited to see what comes of our collaboration. Mark your calendars now; we’ll be printing from July 19 – 22nd, 2023.

Applications for RBP 2023 will open in late 2022. Start planning your image, honing your gouges, and assembling your team.

We’ll also be at SGCI in Madison this week promoting RBP. Keep an eye out for any one of us (Stephanie Carpenter, Berel Lutsky, or Katie Ries) and snag a card with all the relevant 2023 info on it. We can’t wait to see you all in Madison (if you’re going) and again on the sunny shores of Lake Michigan in 2023.

Lastly, if you’re in and around NE Wisconsin, you can check out a selection of the 2022 prints on exhibition at St. Norbert College. The SNC galleries are open M – F, 9 AM – 4 PM. The prints will be up through March 31st.

2 thoughts on “Hamilton collab, SGCI, and more!

  • I just came across your web page and information. Would be interested in joining or at least in contact with your organization.
    At the moment I am making 24″ X 36″ relief prints and have been looking for fellow large print groups.
    Currently am living and doing printmaking in Canda, Vancouver Island, BC.
    Be good to hear from you and establish communication doc.

    • Hi Chris,

      Great to hear from you. If you can, please plan to join us for our next event in July of 2023. Please let us know if you have any questions about Really Big Prints.


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