Applications are open to participate in Really Big Prints 2021! You can read information about the application process here. Below is information about a new opportunity for funding available to underrepresented artists. Please share widely. As we recognize that we are not out of the woods with COVID-19, please know that we are working to design an event that is hospitable, productive, and SAFE. We welcome any questions.
Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
The Really Big Prints team is committed to hosting an open and welcoming event for all printmakers, especially those who are underrepresented in our community. With that in mind, we are pleased to fund a scholarship for an underrepresented artist to participate in Really Big Prints. The selected artist will be reimbursed up to $500 in costs related to preparing for and participating in the event. Specifically, that’s $50 for registration, $200 towards materials, $200 towards travel and lodging, and $50 towards incidentals and food.
All are welcome to apply. In addition to applying for the event as you normally would, artists who wish to be considered for the scholarship should send a short statement (100-200 words) discussing their identity as an underrepresented artist and what participating Really Big Prints might mean to them. Please add this statement to the regular application as a word (.docx) file.
We’ll announce the scholarship recipient this spring. We can’t wait to print safely with you all in 2021!